Hero lab online customize ancestry
Hero lab online customize ancestry

hero lab online customize ancestry

PF2 - The Special Materials table was showing on several items that it shouldn't show on, such as spellbooks.PF2 - The relic tables are now hidden until the "Relic" checkbox is checked, to reduce clutter on the details page for items.PF2 - The tables for customizing gear, such as runes and special materials, have been reorganized and consolidated into groups.PF2 - On the gear tab, the Manage Gear, Configure Gear, and Configuration sections have been grouped together.The details window for complex items such as Weapons and Armor has been split into 2 tabs: "Stats and Information", and "Edit and Configure" to better organize the large amount of options and information available.The sell/delete confirmation window has some additional messaging for this case. Items can now be sold/deleted from any table they appear in instead of just the table they were initially added through.For empty tables made the message prompt clickable as an alternative path to add items.The header is now also outside of the scroll area, so it remains accessible even with the list scrolled down.

hero lab online customize ancestry

weapons), added a back button to the list header to make returning to the category list more discoverable. When selecting items for a table with categories that must be drilled into (e.g.When adding items to a table, the next item in the list will be automatically selected after the chosen item disappears from the list.Added messaging to the "add items" window indicating when you've chosen the correct number of items for tables with limits.PF2 - The "accept starting wealth" error message now turns the Wealth & Experience table yellow until it's satisfied.PF2 - Re-arranged the journal to display the current values on the journal entry and added an info button to better explain journals.PF2 - Moved Starting Wealth from the My Classes tab to the Wealth & Experience tab.PF2/SF/PF1 - Moved the Wealth & Experience tab to the Classes group.Renamed the Journal tab to "Wealth & Experience" or "Wealth & Karma" to provide greater clarity as to its function.Most validation messages on the Validation Report & character summary now link to where the problem is when clicked on.Major enhancements to improve character building PF2 - When an item is added to a table, and that item adds a table of its own to pick something in, the added table will be grouped in the same block with its source pick.The Personal Details section is now located on the Profile tab.Both it and the Gear table have been renamed "Adventuring Gear". PF2 - The "Gear" tab has been moved to be the first tab in the Equipment section, to facilitate ease of new character creation by making the location one purchases Class Starting Kits more prominent.Moved the Profile tab, which mostly contains character flavor, after the relevant mechanical tabs for the game (race, background, etc).This provides a location in which to reference your general class features, and focuses the class tab towards selections you need to make for your character such as feats and spells. PF2 - The display of the Class Features table, along with the list features added by your core class choice (such as barbarian's Instinct) have been moved to a " Features Summary" tab in the Classes section.Major reorganization to improve character building PF2 - Added the Mwangi Expanse Pantheons from the Paizo Blog "Gods of the Expanse":.PF2 - Added the APG Iconic pre-generated characters to the Vault.PF2 - Added the remaining level 5 core rulebook iconic pre-generated characters.Users may need to refresh their browser to see this change. PF2 - Certain tables for ancestry-related abilities were not appearing correctly on the ancestry tab.PF2 - Added Mwangi Expanse Pantheons and various iconic pregens via the Vault.Help information has been added in numerous places.PF2 - Animal companions are more accessible from the main character.PF2 - Signature spells are clearly identified.PF2/SF - Options on many items have been surfaced for more direct control via the newly appearing gear button.PF2 - Validation issues more accurately identify the tab and section where they can be addressed.Validation summary and report provide a direct jump to the source of the problem for correction.

hero lab online customize ancestry

Also of note, the Feature Summary tab has been added for each class in PF2, with its contents being split off from the main class tab. Most importantly, the Journal tab has been moved and renamed to Wealth & Experience.

  • Various tabs have been moved and/or renamed.
  • PF2 - Alchemists can now quickly create and/or replenish their batches of infused items each day.
  • PF2 - Extensive changes were made to the layout, organization, and presentation of material across almost all tabs to improve overall usability.

  • Hero lab online customize ancestry